Hack your Serotonin Levels with Ego High-Fives
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects not only your brain but mostly your body and you can take hijack this mechanism with a simple ego-high five.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects not only your brain but mostly your body and you can take hijack this mechanism with a simple ego-high five.
What would it take for you to believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to? Humanistic psychology may offer an answer.
Successful people handle failures much differently. It is these 7 core beliefs that keep people with high confidence going, well after the rest gave up.
Sick of feeling Embarrassed? You don’t have to! Learn how to use humility & vulnerability to never be embarrassed again!
The most common form of pain in the modern western world, but also the most important component in the adult learning process.
Feeling like whatever you do is just never enough? You might be caught in the Game of Shame, a game that has no end, and no winners.
The life plan was meant to make our lives easier, but little do we know that this plan is also our greatest and most cruel judge
Many try to succeed by avoiding failures, but what if failure is a part of success and the road to success goes through failure, rather than around it?
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